MD5 Algorithm Demonstration:

The following demonstration walks through portions of the MD5 algorithm step-by-step for your personal message.

Enter a message in the text box below. (Do not add extra spaces or returns.)

Below is the ASCII (bit code) representation of your message.

The next paragraph demonstrates the padding technique used for MD5 and explains how the padding technique works.

Your message contains bits. The message will be padded to make it 448 mod 512 bits long. Since your message is we will add because: MOD 512 = We will add ONE 1 and ZEROS.

After this operation a 64 bit value which represents the original length of the message is added. For this particular message the input value added will be


All appending operations are now complete. The original message, at the bit level, is in the text box below. If you look at the end of message you should be able to identify the added bits.

To find the actual complete MD5 Hash, visit MD5 Link and input your message.

Most of this demonstration was created as part of the Cryptography Module of NSF Award No. 0113627 and written by Nathaniel Alderson (the link to this site is below).
Changes were made were to correct the padding algorithm and improve aesthetics and explanation. The original link below is curerntly unavailable.

Original MD5 WebsiteNSF